- Anti Tank Rifle
- Military: ATR
Универсальный русско-английский словарь. Академик.ру. 2011.
Универсальный русско-английский словарь. Академик.ру. 2011.
Anti-tank rifle — TOCrightAn anti tank rifle is a rifle designed to penetrate the armour of vehicles, particularly tanks. The usefulness of rifles for this purpose ran from the introduction of tanks into the Second World War, when they were rendered obsolete.… … Wikipedia
Anti-tank rifle, model 35 — Infobox Weapon|is ranged=yes caption=Karabin przeciwpancerny wzór 35 name=Karabin przeciwpancerny wz.35 type=Anti tank rifle origin=flagcountry|Poland era=World War II design date= prod design date=1936 to 1939 serv design date=1939 used… … Wikipedia
Anti-materiel rifle — An anti materiel rifle (AM) is a rifle that is designed for use against military equipment (matériel) rather than against other combatants ( anti personnel ). They are similar in form and appearance to modern sniper rifles and can often serve in… … Wikipedia
Anti-tank warfare — Anti tank refers to any method of combating military armored fighting vehicles, notably tanks. The most common anti tank systems include artillery with a high muzzle velocity, missiles (such as wire guided HEAT), various autocannons firing… … Wikipedia
Rifle, Anti-Tank, .55 in, Boys — Infobox Weapon is ranged=yes is UK=yes caption=Boys Anti Tank Rifle Mk I name=Boys Anti tank Rifle type=Anti tank rifle origin=flagcountry|United Kingdom era=World War II platform=Individual target=Vehicle design date=1937 production date=1937… … Wikipedia
Anti-tank guided missile — An anti tank guided missile (ATGM) or anti tank guided weapon (ATGW) is a guided missile primarily designed to hit and destroy heavily armored tanks and other armored fighting vehicles. ATGMs range in size from shoulder launched weapons which can … Wikipedia
13.2 mm Rifle Anti-Tank (Mauser) — Infobox Weapon name= 13.2 mm Rifle Anti Tank (Mauser) caption= 13.2 mm Rifle Anti Tank at the Musée de l Armée in Paris origin= German Empire type= Anti tank rifle is ranged=yes service= 1918 used by= wars= designer= design date=… … Wikipedia
List of World War II Infantry Anti-Tank Weapons of Germany — Anti Tank Weapons Panzerbüchse (German: anti tank rifles ) *Panzerbüchse 35 (polnisch) (PzB 35(p)) a captured Polish Kb ppanc wz.35 anti tank rifle *Panzerbüchse 38 anti tank rifle *Panzerbüchse 39 anti tank rifle *Panzerbüchse Boyes a captured… … Wikipedia
Gepard anti-materiel rifle — Infobox Weapon name=Gepárd M1 caption= origin=flagcountry|Hungary type=Anti materiel rifle is ranged=yes is bladed= is explosive= is artillery= is vehicle= service=1990–present used by=Hungary, USA, Turkey, Croatia, various former Soviet nations… … Wikipedia
High explosive anti-tank warhead — High explosive anti tank (HEAT) rounds are made of an explosive shaped charge that uses the Neumann effect (a development of the Munroe effect) to create a very high velocity jet of metal in a state of superplasticity that can punch through solid … Wikipedia
45 mm anti-tank gun M1937 (53-K) — Infobox Weapon name=45 mm anti tank gun model 1937 (53 K) caption=45 mm anti tank gun M1937, displayed in Finnish Tank Museum in Parola. origin=USSR type=anti tank gun is ranged= is bladed= is explosive= is artillery=yes is vehicle= is UK=… … Wikipedia